英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《坐井观天 Sit In The Well And See The World》

Time:August 11, 2024


A frog sat in a well, living a very contented life.


One day, a bird flew over and landed on the edge of the well.


The frog asked the bird: "Where are you from?"


The bird replied: "I came from the sky, flew more than 100 kilometers, and I was thirsty, so I came down to find some water to drink."


The frog said: "Friend, don't joke, the sky is only as big as the well mouth, do you still need to fly so far?" 


The bird said: You are wrong, the sky is boundless and very big!"


The frog laughed and said: "Friend, I sit in the well every day, and I can see the sky as soon as I look up. I won't make a mistake."


The bird also laughed and replied: "Friend, you are wrong. If you don't believe me, jump out of the well mouth and take a look!"


After that, the bird flew away.


This story tells us a profound truth through the debate between the frog and the bird about the size of the sky: to look at problems and understand things, we must stand high and look comprehensively, and we must not make mistakes like the frog and still be self-righteous.


Later, it was used to describe and satirize people who are narrow-minded and self-righteous.


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