英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《西游记—石猴出世 The Monkey Was Born》

Time:August 11, 2024


There is a country called Aolai in Dongsheng Shenzhou.


This country is close to the sea, and there is a Flower and Fruit Mountain in the middle of the sea. There is a fairy stone on the top of the mountain, and there is a fairy fetus in this fairy stone.


One day, Suddenly this fairy stone cracked with a bang, and a stone monkey jumped out of the stone.


The stone monkey's eyes emitted golden light, which shot straight above the clouds, and even the Jade Emperor was alarmed.


The Jade Emperor sent Thousand-mile Eye and Wind-accompanying Ear to the South Heaven Gate to check the situation. They came back and reported that a stone monkey was born.


The Jade Emperor said: "Don't worry about it, let it go."


Many monkeys lived on this Flower and Fruit Mountain, and they lived carefree every day.


One day a monkey said, I don't know where this water comes from, why don't we go to find the source.


A cave entrance was faintly seen in the waterfall, but no one dared to approach.


At this time, a monkey said: "Whoever dares to enter the cave, we will worship him as king."


"Let me go in, let me go in!" said the newly born stone monkey.


The stone monkey successfully entered the cave behind the waterfall. When he opened his eyes, he saw a bridge in the cave. He walked on the bridge and looked around. 


The stone monkey saw a stone tablet with the words: Water Curtain Cave.


It was very happy and turned around and walked out.


After the stone monkey came out, the other monkeys surrounded him and asked: "How is it? Is the water deep?" "What's inside?"


The stone monkey told what it saw and said: "We all live in the Water Curtain Cave, so we don't have to suffer from the anger of God."


Then, the monkeys jumped in one after another.


When everyone came in, the stone monkey said: "I am the first one to enter the cave. According to what we said before, shouldn't you worship me as your king?"


Everyone shouted in unison: "Long live the king!" They respectfully called the stone monkey - The Monkey King!

注:千里眼(Thousand-mile Eye)顺风耳(Wind-accompanying Ear)水帘洞(Water Curtain Cave)此英译来源于央视英文版《西游记》


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