英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《西游记—龙宫寻宝 Dragon Palace Treasure Hunt》

Time:August 11, 2024


WuKong returned to Flower and Fruit Mountain after learning martial arts and taught the little monkeys martial arts every day.


We practice martial arts every day. If someone says we want to rebel, the bamboo spears and wooden swords in your hands will be useless.


An old monkey said: "My king, there is a city to the east of our mountain. There must be weapons there."


WuKong smiled and said: "Wait for me, I will find weapons for you!"


After a while, WuKong came back with a bunch of weapons. The little monkeys happily rushed up and grabbed the knives and swords.


One day, WuKong said to everyone, "You all have weapons that are convenient for you, but I don't have any!"


A monkey said to WuKong, :"My king, if you can go into the water, there are many treasures in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea!"


When WuKong arrived in the East China Sea, he suddenly met a sea patrolling yaksha and asked, "Who are you?"


"I am Sun Wukong, the king of Flower and Fruit Mountain, and your old neighbor in the East China Sea."


The sea patrolling yaksha hurried back to report to the Dragon King, "My king, there is a man named Sun Wukong outside, and he is about to come in."


The Dragon King hurried out with his shrimp soldiers and crab generals to greet him. The Dragon King asked, "What do you want from me, my king?"


Wukong replied, "I heard that you have many treasures here, so I came here to ask for a weapon."


The Dragon King ordered someone to bring a big knife to Wukong. Wukong said, "I don't know how to use a knife, so please change it for me."


The Dragon King also ordered someone to bring out a nine-pronged fork. Wukong picked it up and waved it for a few times, saying, "Dragon King, this is too light, is there a heavier one?"


The Dragon King asked someone to bring the painted halberd, but Wukong still felt it was too light.


The Dragon King said, "My king, this is already the heaviest weapon in the Dragon Palace!"


Wukong said, "Who would believe you if you said there are no treasures in the Dragon Palace!"


At this time, the Dragon Prince said to the Dragon King, "Let him get the the tide control pillar that stabilizes the sea. If he can't take it, we can send him away."


Wukong was very excited when he heard this, and said, "Go and bring it!"


The Dragon King said, "We can't lift it. My king has to go and see it in person."


The Dragon King took Wukong to the center of the sea, pointed to the big pillar in the middle of the sea and said, "That's it."


Wukong said, "Too thick! Too thick, it should be shorter and thinner."


Unexpectedly, as soon as Wukong finished speaking, the pillar became several feet shorter and thinner. 


"Thinner!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the pillar had become much thinner.


Then he saw the words written on the pillar: At-Will Gold-Banded Staff!


Wukong asked the Dragon King to help him find a set of clothes, and soon the Dragon King ordered someone to bring him clothes.


Ha! So impressive!


"Sorry to bother you, good neighbor." After saying that, Wukong waved the At-Will Gold-Banded Staff and beat his way out of the Dragon Palace.


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