英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《孟母三迁 Mother Of Mencius 3 Times Migration》

Time:August 11, 2024


Mencius was a great thinker and educator during the Warring States Period and a representative of the Confucian school. Together with Confucius, he is known as Kong Meng.


Mencius' name was Ke. He lost his father when he was young, and his mother, Ni, took up the burden of life alone. Ni was a hardworking and knowledgeable woman who hoped that her son would study hard and become a talent as soon as possible.


But when he was a child, Mencius followed the children of his neighbors to climb trees and catch birds, go to the river to catch fish, and steal melons from the fields all day long.


Later, she thought: her son's poor study was related to the bad environment nearby. So, she moved for the first time.


This time she moved her home to the wilderness, with no neighbors around and a cemetery outside the door. Mencius' mother thought that there was nothing here to attract her son, and he would always study hard!


However, Mencius saw the funeral procession in mourning clothes, crying and carrying the coffin to the cemetery, and buried the coffin.


He thought it was fun, so he imitated their actions, dug the ground with branches, and buried a small branch as a dead person.


Mencius' mother moved for the second time, and this time she chose to live next to the market.


But Mencius and his friends learned how to do business like businessmen. He bowed to welcome guests, entertained guests, and bargained with guests, and his performance was very lifelike.


Mencius' mother knew about it and thought that this place was not suitable for her child to live in.


So, Meng Mu moved for the third time. This time, there was a school next to the house.


There was a teacher with gray beard taught a group of students of all ages. The teacher led the students to read every day, shaking his head, and the naughty Meng Ke also followed and shook his head to read.


This time, Mencius became orderly and polite, and he concentrated on reading from then on.


Because of his talent and hard work, he finally became the main representative of Confucianism.


Meng Ke's mother moved three times to choose a good environment to educate her children. 

这个故事经常用来指父母用心良苦,煞费苦心地为孩子寻找适合孩子的生长的有利环境。 它告诉我们环境的重要性。

This story is often used to refer to parents' good intentions and painstaking efforts to find a favorable environment for their children to grow up in. It tells us the importance of environment.


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