英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《塞翁失马 焉知非福 A Blessing In Disguise》

Time:August 11, 2024


During the Warring States Period, there was an old man, and everyone called him Sai Weng.


He loved horses very much, and he also raised many horses. One day, he found that one of his horses was missing. Several days passed, and he couldn't find it.


When the neighbors heard about this, they all came to comfort him. Sai Weng thanked everyone for their comfort, so he smiled and said to everyone: "Maybe, this is a good thing."


The neighbors listened to Sai Weng's words, but they found it funny. The horse was lost, which was obviously a bad thing, but Sai Weng thought it might be a good thing, which was obviously just self-consolation.


After a few days, Sai Weng's horse not only ran back home by itself, but also brought back another horse.


When the neighbors heard that the horse had returned by itself, they were very surprised, so they congratulated Sai Weng and said, "You are still far-sighted. Not only did you not lose the horse, but you also brought back a good horse. It's really a blessing."


After hearing the congratulations from his neighbors, Sai Weng did not look happy at all. He said worriedly, "Alas, getting a good horse for nothing is not necessarily a blessing. Maybe it will cause some trouble."


The neighbors felt uncomfortable again at this time. Sai Weng was obviously happy in his heart, but he deliberately did not say it out, and said that there would be trouble.


Sai Weng had an only son who loved riding horses very much.


One day, he went out riding as usual, but for some reason, he fell off the horse's back when the horse was galloping and broke his leg.


This time, the kind-hearted neighbors heard about it and came to comfort Sai Weng.


Sai Weng said, "Thank you for your kindness, but it's nothing. I broke my leg but saved my life. Maybe it's a blessing."


This time, the neighbors thought he was talking nonsense again. Because no one could think of what blessing a broken leg would bring.


Soon after, the enemy attacked and all the young people in the village were conscripted into the army, but only Sai Weng's son could not serve in the army because he broke his leg.


In the cruel war, many people fought with the enemy on the battlefield for the country, either injured or lost their lives, 


But Sai Weng's son saved his life because of a broken leg.


This story later evolved into an idiom called: A blessing in disguise! 


It tells us that good and bad things, advantages and disadvantages, are not absolutely unchanging. Although you suffer losses for a while, you may get benefits from it.


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