英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《荆轲刺秦王 Jing Ke Assassinates The King Of Qin》

Time:August 11, 2024


During the Warring States Period, the Qin State was very powerful. 


The King of Qin continued to invade and caused the Yan State to lose several cities, and he wanted to take revenge.


Prince Dan placed his hopes on assassins. He took out all his money and looked for the most courageous assassin.


Later, Prince Dan finally found a very capable warrior named Jing Ke. He treated Jing Ke like a guest of honor and entertained him with good wine and food every day.


A few years later, the Qin State destroyed the Han State and the Zhao State, and soon reached the border of the Yan State.


Prince Dan was extremely anxious. He said to Jing Ke: "Using our soldiers to fight against the Qin army is like hitting a rock with an egg. I want to disguise you as an envoy to Qin and take the opportunity to stab him to death. Can you do it?"


Jing Ke said: "I will definitely live up to the prince's expectations! I heard that the King of Qin wants to get the most fertile land of Yan. If I go with the map, he will definitely meet me, so I can take the opportunity to assassinate him."


So Prince Dan prepared a sharp dagger with poison, rolled it in the map and gave it to Jing Ke. 


And sent the thirteen-year-old warrior Qin Wuyang as Jing Ke's deputy.


Before leaving, Prince Dan came to see Jing Ke off in white clothes. He held Jing Ke's hand and burst into tears.


Jing Ke said passionately: "The wind is whistling and the Yishui is cold. Once the warrior leaves, he will never come back!"


The King of Qin was very happy to hear that Yan sent an envoy to offer a map. He decided to meet Jing Ke in the Xianyang Palace.


The audience ceremony began, Jing Ke led Qin Wuyang up the steps of Xianyang Palace step by step. Qin Wuyang was so scared that he trembled when he saw so many soldiers standing around.


The leading guard asked loudly: "Why is the envoy trembling?"


Jing Ke rushed in and said with a smile: "The rough man has never seen the king, so he is a little scared."


The King of Qin was very suspicious, and he said to Jing Ke: "Then let him wait downstairs, you come up alone!"


Jing Ke held the map and walked up to present it to the King of Qin. When the map was fully opened, a dagger was revealed. The King of Qin jumped up when he saw it.


He ran around the big pillars in the court to avoid assassination, and Jing Ke chased closely behind. 


At this time, a doctor who served the King of Qin threw the medicine bag in his hand at Jing Ke. Jing Ke turned his head and dodged.


In the blink of an eye, the King of Qin drew out his sword and chopped Jing Ke's left leg. 


Jing Ke lay on the ground and threw the dagger at the King of Qin. The dagger flew past the King of Qin's ear and hit the pillar.


The King of Qin stepped forward and chopped Jing Ke several times, killed Jing Ke.


Qin Wuyang was also killed by soldiers outside the palace. In this way, the warrior Jing Ke failed.


But people admired his courage. The story of Jing Ke stabbing the King of Qin has been passed down.


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