英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《不食无主梨 Don't Eat Pears Without An Owner》

Time:August 11, 2024


Xu Heng was smart and liked to think independently since he was young. He went to school at the age of 7.


One day, after class, Xu Heng asked: "Teacher, why do we study?"


The teacher said without hesitation: "Of course it is to become an official. If you are good at studying, you will become an official!"


Xu Heng asked again: "Is it true that you read so many books just to become an official?"


This question stumped the teacher, and he didn't know how to answer it, but he admired Xu Heng's thinking spirit from the bottom of his heart.


Xu Heng listened carefully in class, and never let go of the principles he didn't understand. Gradually, he accumulated more and more knowledge, and asked more and more profound questions.


Soon, the teacher felt that it was difficult to satisfy Xu Heng's thirst for knowledge with his own cultural level,


So he said to his mother: "Your child is making great progress and will definitely achieve great things in the future. I am not talented and learned, so it is difficult for me to be his teacher. Please invite another wise teacher." After that, he resigned and left.


Later, the two teachers also resigned one after another because they could not satisfy his thirst for knowledge. 


Unable to invite a teacher, Xu Heng insisted on self-study, and his academic studies became more and more profound.


At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin Kingdom continued to invade the Central Plains. In order to avoid the war, the people of the Song Dynasty left their homes.


Xu Heng also ran to Heyang among some of the refugees. On this day, the weather was very hot. Xu Heng was in a hurry, and his sweat soaked his clothes. His mouth seemed to be smoking and his throat was hoarse.


The seven or eight people who walked with Xu Heng were as thirsty as Xu Heng, but because of the war, they could not find any water to drink.


Suddenly, someone found a big pear tree, which was full of yellow pears. 


Several people rushed up, climbed up the tree, and ate pears. Only Xu Heng was still reading a book.


The young man who was traveling with him asked him: "I see you are also hungry and thirsty, why don't you pick some pears to eat?"


Xu Heng said: "If they are not my own pears, how can I just pick them and eat them?"


Another young man said: "In these chaotic years, no one has left, who can own these pears?"


Xu Heng said: "The pears have no owner now, but our hearts have! The more we are without supervision, the more we should talk about morality. You climbed over the wall and entered the house, picking pears from others to eat privately, how can you be a moral scholar?" 


After saying this, Xu Heng set off alone.


Xu Heng's noble character is inseparable from his long-term serious study. Later, Xu Heng became a famous Neo-Confucianist in the early Yuan Dynasty through hard study.


This story tells us: A person's virtue is reflected in every detail of life. It should be a persistence of good habits, not just occasional. People with this quality are truly respectable people.


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