用英语讲中国故事——Sitting in a Well and looking at the Sky 坐井观天

Time:August 11, 2024


Sitting in a well and looking at the sky


It means sitting in a well and looking at the sky. It is also used to describe people with narrow vision and little knowledge, who only see the small world in front of them and are unaware of the vast world outside.


A long time ago, in a quiet little village, there was an ancient well.


The water in the well is crystal clear and is an important source of water for the villagers in their daily lives.


This well not only provides convenience for the villagers' lives, but also becomes a gathering place for small animals.


Among them, there was a frog that had lived in the well since it was born and had never left.


The frog in the well jumps around, catches insects and sings every day.


It feels that its world is this well, and the sky above the wellhead is the entire universe.


One day, a bird flew from afar and landed beside the well. It greeted the frog in the well curiously: "Hi, little frog, how are you!"


The frog looked up and asked in surprise: "Who are you? How can you fly so high?"


The bird smiled and replied: "I have flown from far away. I have flown to many places and seen many beautiful scenery. Have you never left this well?"


The frog shook his head and said, "No, I feel that this well is my whole world, and the sky is as big as the well mouth."


The bird couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "You are so interesting! The sky is vast and boundless, much bigger than this well. You should go see the world outside, you will find many new things."


Then the bird invited the frog to go see the outside world with him. The frog jumped onto the bird's back, and the bird carried it flying and flying.


The frog saw the vast sky, the blue sea, the green mountains and rivers, the beautiful flowers, and the many small animals playing on the grass. Only then did he realize that his vision was too narrow.


The frog felt unprecedented freedom and happiness. It liked the outside world and never wanted to go back to the bottom of the well again.


This story tells us: The world is very big and full of all kinds of wonderful things. We should not be satisfied with our own small world, but should bravely explore, learn, and experience more things. In this way, we can become a person with broad knowledge and open mind.


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