英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《奥运会的起源 The Origins Of The Olympic Games》

Time:August 11, 2024


The full name of the Olympic Games is "Olympic Games", which originated in ancient Greece. It was named because the venue was in Olympia, a sacred place for religious sacrifices.

  01)奥运会的起源 The origin of the Olympic Games 古希腊人以人神同形的多神信仰为主,所以古代奥运会的起源与多姿多彩的古希腊神话密不可分。

The ancient Greeks believed in polytheism, so the origin of the ancient Olympic Games is inseparable from the colorful ancient Greek mythology.


According to Greek mythology, Hercules won a game in Olympia and ordered that similar games should be held in Olympia every four years.


Another legend says that after Zeus, the king of the gods, ascended the throne of the gods, he took physical competition as one of the grand celebrations and founded the Olympic Games.


There are more than one mythological story about the origin of the Olympic Games, so I will not repeat them here.


In fact, the actual origin of the ancient Olympic Games is closely related to the politics, economy, and culture of the ancient Greek society at that time.


Ancient Greece was a city-state country without a single monarch. Each city-state was independent and fought against each other for years. In order to cultivate strong soldiers, sports became a powerful means.


Over time, people began to yearn for a peaceful life. As a result, the military and sports training originally designed to prepare soldiers gradually evolved into the ancient Greek Olympic Games held for peace and friendship.


The first ancient Olympic Games was held in 776 BC. Since then, the Zeus Festival was held every four years, and the venue was the Temple of Zeus in Olympia, southwestern Greece.


As a result, the Olympic Games gradually became a grand event between city-states. During the competition, the wars between city-states stopped, and the Olympic Games became a symbol of peace.

02)古奥运的灭亡 The demise of the ancient Olympic Games 随着罗马帝国对古希腊的征服,奥运会渐渐失去了它的地位。当天主教成为罗马帝国的国教后,奥运会便被视为异教徒活动遭到排斥。

With the conquest of ancient Greece by the Roman Empire, the Olympic Games gradually lost its status. When Catholicism became the state religion of the Roman Empire, the Olympic Games were regarded as pagan activities and were rejected.


In 393 AD, Roman Emperor Theodosius abolished the ancient Olympic Games, ending the more than 1,000-year tradition.

03)奥运会复苏 Olympic Games Revival 后来,经过地震、山体滑坡、洪水等自然灾害,奥林匹亚一度消失在这个世界上,直到千年后的1766年,英国考古学家才发现深埋在淤泥中的遗迹。

Later, after natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and floods, Olympia disappeared from the world for a time. It was not until 1766, a thousand years later, that British archaeologists discovered the ruins buried deep in the mud.


More than 100 years later, in 1875, a German archaeological team fully excavated the site of the Games, and the Olympics finally saw the light of day.


The Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment in the 14th to 18th centuries also reawakened the spirit of the ancient Greek Olympics.

1894年在法国男爵古柏坦(Pierre de Coubertin)的倡导下国际奥委会正式成立。会中决定:赛会遵循古代奥运会模式,每四年举行一次。

In 1894, the International Olympic Committee was formally established under the advocacy of French Baron Pierre de Coubertin. It was decided at the meeting that the Games would follow the model of the ancient Olympic Games and be held every four years.


So far, the traditional Olympic Games that had disappeared for 1,500 years have been restored.


The first Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. Baron Gubertan is known as the father of the modern Olympic Games.


The 6th (1916), 12th (1940) and 13th (1944) Olympic Games were not held due to war. The 32nd Olympic Games (2020) was postponed for one year due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.


According to the ancient Olympic system, any Olympic Games that were not held for some reason must also occupy a page in Olympic history, so the number of sessions is still arranged in order.


The Olympic Games have now become a symbol of peace and friendship around the world.

现在我们习惯称公元776年——公元393年期间的奥林匹克运动会为古奥运(Ancient Olympic),1896年起复兴的奥运会为现代奥运(Modern Olympic)。

Now we are accustomed to calling the Olympic Games from 776 AD to 393 AD the Ancient Olympic Games, and the Olympic Games that were revived since 1896 the Modern Olympic Games.

04)中国奥运之路 China's Road to the Olympics 2001年7月13日,北京申奥成功。2008年在北京举办了第29届奥运会。

On July 13, 2001, Beijing's bid for the Olympic Games was successful. The 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing in 2008.


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