英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《囫囵吞枣 Swallow Dates Whole》

Time:August 11, 2024


Several people were chatting together. An older person said, "Eating pears is good for teeth, but eating too much will hurt the spleen. Eating dates is good for the spleen, but eating too much will hurt the teeth."


A young man thought for a while and said, "I have a good idea. Eating pears is good for teeth and does not hurt the spleen, and eating dates can strengthen the spleen without hurting teeth."


The older person asked him quickly, "What good idea do you have? Tell us please!"


The young man said, "When I eat pears, I only chew them with my teeth, but I don't swallow them, so it won't hurt my spleen. When I eat dates, I don't chew them and swallow them, so I won't hurt my teeth."


After listening to what the young man said, a person asked, "If you swallow the date pits like this, it will be difficult to digest, so how can it strengthen the spleen?"


Later, people often used "Swallow Dates Whole" to describe the behavior of accepting all knowledge without analysis and full understanding.


This story tells us that when we study, we must understand thoroughly, not be vague or have only a superficial understanding. We must also have a comprehensive understanding of things.


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