英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《愚公移山 YuGong Moves Mountains》

Time:August 11, 2024


Once upon a time, there were two mountains, named Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain. These two mountains were very high. They were close together and blocked the way out.


At the foot of the mountain lived an old man named Yugong. The old man was over 90 years old and had to take a detour every time to get out.


One day, Yugong gathered his family and said, "These two mountains are blocking us. It is really inconvenient for us to go out. Let's work together to flatten it! This will make it much more convenient to go in and out."


Yugong's wife said, "My husband, don't dream. With our strength, we can't even flatten a small hill. How can we flatten these two mountains? And even if we can flatten them, where can we put the stones and soil we shovel down?"


Yugong said, "My wife, don't worry! The soil and stones we shovel down can be transported to the seashore."


So, Yugong led three strong descendants to the mountain and carried the stones and soil to the seashore.


The wise old man of Hequ laughed at Yugong: "You are really stupid. You are so old. What can you do with the little strength left?"


Yugong sighed and said: "Your thinking is too stubborn. Even a child can compare with you! Even if I die, I still have a son. My son will have a son, and these two mountains will not increase. Do you still worry about not being able to flatten these two mountains?"


In this way, Yugong and his family worked non-stop. Yugong and his family dug the mountains day and night.


This scared the mountain gods of the two mountains, saying: "If Yugong keeps digging, this mountain will be dug out. Where will we go then?"


The panicked mountain gods came to the sky and reported the matter to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven ordered the gods around him to persuade Yugong.


The immortal came to Yugong and said, "Old man, you are so old, why are you still doing such heavy work? It would be better for you to rest at home!"


Yugong replied, "Thank you, but I won't give up."


The immortal was very moved and reported Yugong's words to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven was moved by Yugong's sincerity, so he sent the most powerful god in the sky to help Yugong.


Hercules carried two mountains on his back, one to the east and one to the south.From then on, the villagers finally didn't have to take a detour!


Yugong and his family's efforts were finally rewarded, and everyone was very grateful to Yugong.


This story tells us that we must have ambitions and goals to do anything, and at the same time, we must have the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and perseverance. In this way, we will succeed!


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