英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《大禹治水 Dayu Controlled Floods》

Time:August 11, 2024


According to legend, during the Yao and Shun period, floods often occurred in the Yellow River Basin.


The floods submerged the fields, destroyed the houses, and people's lives were extremely miserable.


Yao, the tribal leader at that time, convened a tribal alliance meeting to relieve the flood. Everyone recommended Gun to complete this task.


But Gun only knew how to build dams to block the water, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Nine years later, the floods still did not subside.


Later, his son Yu inherited his will and continued to control the floods. Yu left his hometown and was gone for thirteen years.


During these thirteen years, he ran around and passed by his home three times, but he didn't go home to take a look once, because he thought that controlling the flood was important.


Yu learned from Gun's failure to control the flood and adopted the method of dredging to control the flood.


Together with thousands of people, he dredged many rivers and let the river water flow into the sea through the rivers.


The flood was finally subdued, and people moved back home. Everyone cultivated the land that had been flooded. Agricultural production gradually recovered, and people lived a peaceful and prosperous life again.


Later, people appreciated Yu's great achievements, supported him as a leader, and called him Dayu.


The legend of Dayu's flood control has been passed down through the ages. Dayu's perseverance and selfless spirit of passing by his home three times without entering are worth learning from future generations.


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