英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《拇指姑娘 Thumbelina》

Time:August 11, 2024


Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted a well-behaved child. She asked a witch for help.


The witch said, "It's easy. I'll give you a barley grain. You bury it in a flowerpot, and soon you'll get what you want."


The woman did it. Soon, a big red flower grew in the flowerpot. The woman kissed the flower, and the bud suddenly split open. Inside sat a white, tender, petite and lovely girl.


The woman decided to call her Thumbelina.


One night, an ugly toad secretly carried away Thumbelina, who was sleeping in the cradle. It wanted the beautiful girl to be its daughter-in-law.


The toad's son looked as ugly as it did, and could only quack.


The toad's son saw the beautiful and lovely Thumbelina and shouted happily: "Quack, quack." The toad said to his son, "Be quiet, you will wake her up."


They were afraid that Thumbelina would run away, so they put her on a large water lily leaf in the middle of the water. Thumbelina cried sadly after waking up.


The little fish felt sorry for her and bit off the stem of the water lily leaf, and the leaf floated away with Thumbelina.


Thumbelina was caught by a beetle and put on a tree, but the beetles thought she was ugly, so they put her on a sunflower.


Thumbelina spent a lonely summer, eating nectar when hungry and drinking dew on leaves when thirsty.


Winter came, and Thumbelina had nothing to eat, so the kind field mouse took her in.


The mole came to visit the field mouse, and he liked Thumbelina as soon as he saw her. The field mouse said to Thumbelina: "If you marry the mole, you will be very happy."


The mole told Thumbelina that there was a frozen bird in the tunnel.


Thumbelina looked and found it was a swallow. She made a blanket with hay and covered the swallow. After a while, the swallow woke up, and it turned out that it was just frozen.


As the wedding day approached, Thumbelina cried very sadly because she didn't want to live in a cave without sunshine and flowers.


"Ding ding ding "Thumbelina suddenly heard a sound above her head. It was the swallow flying back.


Thumbelina said to the swallow: "Dear swallow, I don't want to marry a mole. Take me away from here!"


Thumbelina sat on the back of the swallow, and the swallow took her to a warm country.


The swallow put Thumbelina on a white flower and said to her: "It's warm here. You can live here with peace of mind."


Thumbelina looked at the center of the flower in surprise. There sat a small man, about the same height as Thumbelina.


It turned out that he was the flower prince. He fell in love with Thumbelina at first sight and proposed to her. Thumbelina happily agreed.


From then on, they lived happily together.


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