用英语讲中国故事——If We are Strong, China will be Strong 少年强,则国强

Time:August 11, 2024


The saying "If we are strong, China will be strong" comes from Liang Qichao's essay "The Youth of China" in the late Qing Dynasty.


This is an essay published by Mr. Liang Qichao in the Qingyi Newspaper in 1900. Under the social background at that time, this article had very far-reaching significance and influence.


If we are intelligent, China will be intelligent; if we are wealthy, China will be wealthy; 


if we are strong, China will be strong; if we are independent,China will be independent; 


if we are free, China will be free;

if we are progressive,China will be progressive


if we are superior to young Europeans,China will be superior to Europe; 


if we are the best in the world,China will be the best in the world.


At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, our country was experiencing internal and external troubles and the country was in danger.


As a thinker and reformer, Mr. Liang Qichao deeply felt that China needed new forces, especially the power of the younger generation, to promote national change and progress.


Through his article "The Youth of China", he expressed his optimism about China's future and his deep expectations for the younger generation, hoping that they would shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing China.


He believes that the future and hope of the country lies in young people.


He stressed that young people should have ambition, knowledge and physical strength.   Only in this way can the country become strong.


The "youth" here symbolizes the future and hope of the country.


The "freedom" here not only refers to political freedom, but also includes freedom of thought, freedom of action, and the freedom to pursue knowledge and innovation.


"Young China" refers to a new China that is full of vitality, hope and spirit of reform.


Therefore, the concept he advocated, "If we are strong,China will be strong," is intended to inspire young people to take on the historical mission of revitalizing China and become the backbone of leading the country toward a bright future.


This sentence still has important practical significance and inspiration. It encourages contemporary youth to be proactive, constantly improve their comprehensive quality, and contribute to the long-term development of the country.


In modern society, this concept has been widely spread and has become a motto to encourage young people to strive for progress.


The editor was inspired at this time: It makes me want to sing - I am still the boy I used to be, without any change, time is just a test, the faith planted in my heart has not diminished at all... Yes, I hope everyone still has "faith" in their hearts, and they will still be the boy when they return. Young people have infinite possibilities, with an indomitable spirit and responsibility to their family, society and country.


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