(手绘油画 临摹梵高《三朵向日葵》30*40cm)
今天画了一天的向日葵, 总觉得心里毛毛的,似乎惦念着什么。 啊!1890年7月27日! 梵高在画完他最后《麦田乌鸦》后,开枪自杀。
Today, after painting sunflowers all day, I always felt dwelling on something. Aaargh!
July 27th, 1890! Vincent Van Gogh shot himself after painting his last painting, The Crow in the Rye.
每一次临摹梵高的画, 都是在享受 那种沉浸在浓烈色彩中的孤寂和欢腾。 仿佛透过厚厚的颜料,去贴近并读懂他的内心。
Every time I copy a Van Gogh, I was enjoying the loneliness and joy of being immersed in the intense colors. It was as if I was going through the thick paint to get close to and read his heart.
色彩明艳、对比强烈的画面背后, 是他性格激情、热烈的一面。 厚实饱满的颜料和明确粗厚的笔触, 是他内心单纯、灵动的体现。 他笔下的向日葵,没有花的娇嫩, 而有火焰一般的热烈,有太阳一般的光芒… 既可以在饱满的花朵上感到生命的律动, 又可以在枯萎的花盘里闻到死亡的气息… 临摹梵高的向日葵, 几次停笔,默默流泪 为那颗充满激情又饱受孤寂的心…
Behind the bright and contrasting colors, I see the passionate side of his personality. Through the thick, full paint and clear, thick strokes, I see his inner simplicity and purity.
Behind his sunflowers, I see no tenderness of flowers, But can feel the heat of a flame and the light of a sun... I can feel the rhythm of life on the fully blooming flowers, And also smell death in the withered ones...
When I copied Van Gogh's sunflowers, I had to stop the painting several times and wept in silence For that passionate and lonely heart ...
这世间, 美的东西 总是脆弱又转瞬即逝。 但艺术家, 可以把灵魂 融化在颜料里,点蘸在笔尖上,涂抹在画布上, 把美,为我们,铸成永恒!
In the world, the beautiful things are always so fragile and fleeting. But artists, they put the soul Melted into the paint, dipped into the brush, smeared onto the canvas, And cast the beauty into eternity for us!