用英语讲中国故事——Killing Someone With a Borrowed Knife 三十六计之借刀杀人

Time:August 11, 2024


Killing Someone With a Borrowed Knife


The third of the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" - Killing with a Borrowed Knife


This strategy is to use the power of a third party to attack the enemy while maintaining the appearance of innocence. It is a strategy to indirectly attack the opponent.


This strategy originated from many historical allusions, one of the most famous stories is about Xinling Jun of Wei State during the Warring States Period.


During the Warring States Period, Xinling Jun was a noble of the State of Wei. He was deeply loved by the people, but was feared by the King of Wei because of the power struggle.


At that time, Qin posed a threat to Wei. Xinling Jun wanted to unite with Chu to fight against Qin, so he sent his retainer Tang Ju to Chu to seek help.


Tang Ju successfully persuaded the King of Chu in Chu, but on his way back to Wei, the King of Wei learned of his actions. The King of Wei was worried that Xinling Jun's power would grow, so he framed him.


The King of Wei found a noble who had a grudge against Lord Xinling, pretended to befriend him, and instructed him to assassinate Lord Xinling.


Although this noble had a grudge against Lord Xinling, he did not want to kill him personally, so he found a swordsman, offered him a large sum of money, and asked him to carry out the assassination mission.


The swordsman was killed by Xinling Jun's followers while trying to assassinate him, and because of this incident, Xinling Jun saw through the true intentions of the King of Wei.


He eventually chose to flee from the State of Wei, thus avoiding direct conflict and saving his life.


In this story, the King of Wei took advantage of the nobles who had a grudge against Lord Xinling, and the nobles in turn took advantage of the swordsman, ultimately achieving the goal of weakening Lord Xinling's power while maintaining his own innocence. This is the embodiment of the strategy of "killing with a borrowed knife."


This story tells us: In complex interpersonal relationships, we must handle our relationships with others carefully and avoid becoming the "knife" in others' schemes.


The editor was inspired at this time: This is a bit like the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so you need to guard against all enemies, they may unite. At the same time, it also reminds you to have wisdom and strategy when facing difficulties to protect yourself from harm.


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