用英语讲中国故事——Crossing the Sea under Camouflage 瞒天过海

Time:August 11, 2024


The first of the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" - Crossing the sea under camouflage


It originally refers to crossing the sea in broad daylight without letting anyone know. It is to use a tactic of showing a false appearance to conceal the true intention, taking advantage of people's familiar and common psychology that will not arouse suspicion, to disguise, hide the real intention in something that is intentionally exposed, and thus achieve one's own goal.


A long time ago, there was a country whose king wanted to attack another country.


However, the soldiers of that country were very brave, and the king was worried that his army would not be able to defeat them.


So the king summoned his generals and asked them if they had any good ideas.


Among them was a general who was very smart.


He came up with an idea, which was to "Crossing the sea under camouflage."


The strategy is to make the enemy think that we will not attack through disguise and deception, and then suddenly launch an attack when the enemy is off guard.


The general told the king that he could have his soldiers pretend to be fishermen and row small boats on the sea to catch fish.


This way, the enemy would think they were just fishing and not preparing for a fight.


Then, when the enemy lets down their guard, they can quietly approach the enemy's coast and launch a surprise attack.


The king was very happy to hear this and thought it was a very good plan.


So he ordered the general to carry out the plan.


The general took his soldiers, disguised as fishermen, and went fishing at sea.


The enemy was fooled. They thought the fishermen were just fishing and didn't pay any attention.


When the enemy let down their guard, the general and his soldiers quietly approached the enemy's coast.


Then, they suddenly attacked and defeated the enemy.


The king was very happy and praised the general for his cleverness and for coming up with such a good plan.


This story tells us: Sometimes we can't just look at the surface, we have to observe and think carefully. Moreover, if we want to succeed, we need to learn to face difficulties with wisdom and courage.


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