用英语讲中国故事——God Rewards Those Who Work Hard 天道酬勤

Time:August 11, 2024


God Rewards Those Who Work Hard


It means that God will reward those who work hard, and your efforts will definitely be rewarded.


During the Qing Dynasty in my country, there was a famous politician, military strategist and writer named Zeng Guofan.


He wasn't particularly bright as a child, but he was very hardworking and believed that as long as he worked hard, he would achieve success.


When he was young, Zeng Guofan took the imperial examination but failed at first.


However, he did not give up, but studied harder.


He gets up early every day, reads and writes, and never slacks off. Even if he feels very tired sometimes, he never gives up.


Once, Zeng Guofan was reading at home. He read an article many times, but he still couldn't memorize it, and he kept reciting it until very late.


At this time, a thief came to his house and hid on the roof beam, intending to steal things after Zeng Guofan fell asleep.


However, the thief kept waiting, but Zeng Guofan didn't sleep and kept reading.


Finally, the thief couldn't bear it anymore, jumped down and said angrily: "What's the point of reading a book at this level!"


Then he recited the article from beginning to end and walked away.


Zeng Guofan thought to himself, this thief is so amazing, he can memorize it after listening to me read it several times.


But then he thought again, although this thief was smart, it was a pity that he didn't use his intelligence in the right way.


Although I am not smart enough, as long as I keep working hard, I will succeed one day.


So Zeng Guofan continued to study hard and constantly enrich himself.


Later, he finally passed the imperial examination and became an official.


In officialdom, he still maintains his diligence and constantly improves his abilities.


Eventually, he became an outstanding politician and military strategist and made great contributions to the country.


This story tells us that as long as we are willing to work hard, we will definitely succeed. No matter how big the difficulties are, we must not give up and must persevere in pursuing our goals. Remember, success always belongs to those who work hard.


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