用英语讲中国故事——Waiting for the Rabbit by the Tree Stump 守株待兔

Time:August 11, 2024


Once upon a time, there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields.


He is a hard-working man. He works hard every day and the crops in the fields grow well.


One day, he was resting by the field when he suddenly saw a rabbit running towards him quickly. The rabbit accidentally hit a tree stump and died.


The farmer was very happy and thought to himself, "What a blessing! I have dinner without any effort!"


He took the rabbit home and cooked a delicious rabbit soup.


The next day, he was no longer willing to work hard on the farm, so he decided to stay by the tree stump and wait for the next rabbit to bump into him.


The farmer did nothing every day but sit next to the tree stump, hoping to pick up another rabbit.


However, as the days passed, no more rabbits hit the tree stumps.


The weeds in the fields grew more and more, and the farmer's crops were all ruined.


Not only did he fail to wait for the rabbits, he also lost his harvest, and his life became increasingly difficult.


This story tells us: You can't rely on luck to live. It's better to work hard with your own hands than to rely on luck to make a living. Only through your own efforts can you gain success and happiness.


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