用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

Time:August 11, 2024


Once upon a time, there was a lovely little girl. Everyone called her "Little Red Riding Hood" because she always wore a little red hat given to her by her grandmother.


One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said to her, “Little Red Riding Hood, grandma is sick. Go see her and bring her some cake and juice. Remember not to talk to strangers on the road. Say good morning to grandma and don’t look around.”


Little Red Riding Hood agreed and walked into the forest happily.


At this time, the big bad wolf saw Little Red Riding Hood, walked over quietly and asked, "Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?"


Little Red Riding Hood forgot her mother's instructions and replied, "I am going to visit my sick grandmother and bring her cake and juice."


After hearing this, the Big Bad Wolf came up with a bad idea.


He said to Little Red Riding Hood, "Little Red Riding Hood, where does your grandmother live?"


Little Red Riding Hood said, "Grandma's house is quite far away. Just keep going. Her house is under three big oak trees and there is a walnut tree fence next to it. You must know it."


The big bad wolf began to plan in his mind, I'm going to eat them both.


The wolf asked Little Red Riding Hood, "Little Red Riding Hood, there are many beautiful flowers around you. Why don't you take a look? There are also birds singing. They sound very beautiful! You should enjoy the beauty of the forest."


Little Red Riding Hood opened her eyes wide and saw the beautiful flowers. She thought, "I can give these beautiful flowers to my grandmother. She will be very happy."


The Big Bad Wolf ran to the grandmother's house first, locked the grandmother in the cupboard, dressed himself as the grandmother, and lay on the bed waiting for Little Red Riding Hood.


Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother's house, knocked on the door, and heard her grandmother's voice from inside: "Come in, my Little Red Riding Hood."


Little Red Riding Hood entered the room and saw her grandmother lying on the bed, but she felt something strange.


She asked, "Grandma, why are your ears so big?"


The big bad wolf said: "In order to listen to you better."


Little Red Riding Hood asked again: "Grandma, why are your eyes so big?"


The big bad wolf said: "To see you better."


Little Red Riding Hood then asked: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?"


The big bad wolf suddenly jumped up and said, "So that I can eat you better!" Then he pounced on Little Red Riding Hood.


Just then, a hunter passed by, heard the noise in the house, rushed in, drove away the big bad wolf, and rescued the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood.


Little Red Riding Hood hugged her grandmother tightly and said, "Grandma, I will never talk to strangers on the street again."


This story tells us: listen to the advice of elders and don't talk to strangers. When you encounter danger, stay calm and seek help. Bravery and intelligence can overcome difficulties.


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