用英语讲寓言小故事——The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩

Time:August 11, 2024


Once upon a time there was a little girl whose family was very poor and could not buy enough food and clothes.


To help her family, she walked the streets selling matches every day.


It was Christmas Eve, snowflakes were flying and the wind was bitingly cold.


The little girl was wearing ragged clothes, and her hands and feet were red from the cold, but she still smiled and shouted, "Matches for sale! Warm matches!"


But people were busy preparing for the New Year and no one noticed her.


She walked all day and didn't sell a single match.


Suffering from hunger and cold, the little girl sat in a corner, hugging her legs and shivering.


She was too cold, so she took out a match and lit it.


In the firelight, she seemed to see the warm fire, the delicious food, and her mother's loving smile.


But the match soon went out and the dream was shattered.


She lit another match, and in the light she saw a beautiful Christmas tree hung with gifts and candies.


The fire went out again, and tears of hope sparkled in the little girl's eyes.


Finally, she wanted to keep all these beautiful things, so she lit all the matches.


At that moment, she seemed to be in heaven, surrounded by light and warmth.


She saw her grandmother descend from the sky, gently holding her in her arms and taking her away from the cold and hunger.


The next day, people found the little girl on the street corner.


She lay there quietly, with a happy smile on her face and the burnt match in her hand.


This story tells us that even in the most difficult times, we must maintain hope and kindness. It also teaches us to care for and help those in need, making the world a warmer place.


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