用英语讲寓言小故事——Monkey Fishing For The Moon 猴子捞月

Time:August 11, 2024

从前,有一群可爱的小猴子住在一片茂密的森林里。Once upon a time, there was a group of cute little monkeys living in a dense forest.


One night, the little monkeys were playing in the moonlight.


A little monkey ran to the woods to play, saw a well, and climbed over.


Then the little monkey looked down into the well and saw a moon. He shouted excitedly, "Look, everyone! The moon is in the water!"


The other little monkeys gathered around and saw the moon fall into the well. They all wanted to fish it out.


After some discussion, they decided to build a "monkey ladder" to catch the moon.


So, the biggest monkey grabbed the branch, and the monkeys below, one by one, grabbed the tails of the monkey above.


The little monkeys all held on tightly, and the last little monkey reached out to catch the moon in the water.


They thought they were about to succeed, but as soon as the little monkey touched the water, the moon shattered into ripples.


The little monkey screamed: "The moon is broken! I can't get it out."


The little monkey has been trying to fish for the moon in the water, and the big monkey at the top can hardly hold on any longer.


The tired big monkey looked up and found that the moon was still hanging in the sky.


He immediately said, "No need to fish, no need to fish, the moon is still in the sky."


Only then did the little monkeys realize that the moon they saw was just its shadow.


This story tells us that sometimes what we see is not real, and we need to use our brains to think and discern the truth. At the same time, it also reminds us not to be confused by superficial things, but to observe and think more, so that we can make correct judgments.


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