英语绘本 ▏每日一读之《刻舟求剑 Carving A Boat And Seeking A Sword》

Time:August 11, 2024


A man from Chu State went out on a boat. When the boat reached the center of the river, he accidentally dropped his sword into the water.


The man from Chu State hurriedly carved a mark on the side of the boat.


Someone nearby asked him, "Why are you carving a mark here if you don't want to go down to retrieve the sword?"


He replied, "The sword fell from here. The water in the center of the river is too deep. I will go down from the mark and retrieve the sword when the water is shallow near the shore."


When the boat stopped at the shore, the man from Chu State really jumped into the water from the place where he carved the mark to retrieve the sword.


However, the boat had sailed a long way, but the sword was still in the center of the river. How could he find the sword like this?


People extracted the idiom "Carving A Boat And Seeking A Sword" from this story, which refers to people who are rigid in doing things and do not know how to adapt to changes in reality.


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