宝宝成长一刻| 牧人与海 Shepherd and the Sea

牧人与海 Shepherd and the Sea 从前,有一个小牧人,他每天都带着一群可爱的羊儿在绿草地上玩耍。 Once upon a time, there was a little shepherd. Every day he took a gro...
August 11, 2024
宝宝成长一刻| 牧人与海 Shepherd and the Sea

用英文讲寓言小故事——The Little Shoemaker 小鞋匠

Once upon a time there was a shoemaker whose craftsmanship was impeccable, but his life became more and more difficult. 从前有个鞋匠,他的手艺无可挑剔,但日子却一...
August 11, 2024
用英文讲寓言小故事——The Little Shoemaker 小鞋匠

用英语讲寓言小故事——The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats 狼和七只小山羊

从前,美丽的森林里住着山羊一家。 Once upon a time, there lived a family of goats in a beautiful forest. 有山羊妈妈,还有七只可爱的小羊。 There is a mother goat and...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats 狼和七只小山羊

用英语讲寓言小故事——The Crow and the Fox 乌鸦和狐狸

在一个美丽的森林里,一只聪明的乌鸦找到了一块肉。 In a beautiful forest, a clever crow found a piece of meat. 它叼着肉,飞到一棵高高的树上,准备好好享用这顿美味。 It...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——The Crow and the Fox 乌鸦和狐狸

用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Gecko Borrows Its Tail 小壁虎借尾巴

在一个美丽的森林里,有一只可爱的小壁虎。 In a beautiful forest, there was a cute little gecko. 有一天,小壁虎在玩耍时,被蛇抓到了。 One day, when the little gecko w...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Gecko Borrows Its Tail 小壁虎借尾巴

用英语讲寓言小故事——Mouse Meeting 老鼠开会

很久很久以前,有一群小老鼠生活在一个大房子里。 Once upon a time, there was a group of little mice living in a big house. 每天,他们都很害怕一只凶猛的大猫。 Every d...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Mouse Meeting 老鼠开会

用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Pony Crossing the River 小马过河

从前,有一匹小马,它的妈妈让它去磨坊送袋粮食。 Once upon a time, there was a pony whose mother asked it to deliver a bag of grain to the mill. 小马高兴地答应了,驮着...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Pony Crossing the River 小马过河

用英语讲寓言小故事——Kitten fishing 小猫钓鱼

从前,有一只小猫,它叫咪咪。 Once upon a time, there was a kitten named Mimi. 一天,咪咪和妈妈一起去河边钓鱼。 One day, Mimi and her mother went fishing by the river...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Kitten fishing 小猫钓鱼

用英语讲寓言小故事——A Crow Drinks Water 乌鸦喝水

有一天,天气非常炎热。 One day, the weather was very hot. 一只乌鸦飞来飞去,渴得不得了。 A crow was flying around, very thirsty. 它飞了很远的路,现在低空盘旋,想找点水...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——A Crow Drinks Water 乌鸦喝水

用英语讲寓言小故事——Tadpole Looking For Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈

一天,小蝌蚪们在池塘里游来游去,他们想找到自己的妈妈。 One day, the tadpoles were swimming around in the pond, trying to find their mother. 小蝌蚪们从来没有见过妈...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Tadpole Looking For Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈

用英语讲寓言小故事——The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪

从前,有一个猪妈妈,她有三个孩子,分别叫呼呼,噜噜,嘟嘟。 Once upon a time, there was a mother pig who had three children, named Huhu, Lulu, and Dudu. 这天,猪妈妈让他们...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪

用英语讲寓言小故事——The Tree and the Axe 树和斧子

从前,有一片美丽的森林,里面住着许多高大的树木。 Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest with many tall trees living in it. 这些树木给小动物们提供了阴凉和食...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——The Tree and the Axe 树和斧子

用英语讲寓言小故事——Monkey Fishing For The Moon 猴子捞月

从前,有一群可爱的小猴子住在一片茂密的森林里。Once upon a time, there was a group of cute little monkeys living in a dense forest. 一天晚上,小猴子们在月光下玩耍。...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Monkey Fishing For The Moon 猴子捞月

用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Monkey Goes Down The Mountain 小猴子下山

从前,在一座高高的山上,住着一只活泼的小猴子。 Once upon a time, on a high mountain, there lived a lively little monkey. 有一天,小猴子决定下山去看看外面的世界。 One...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Monkey Goes Down The Mountain 小猴子下山

用英语讲寓言小故事——The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩

从前有个小女孩,她的家里非常贫穷,无法买到足够的食物和衣服。 Once upon a time there was a little girl whose family was very poor and could not buy enough food and c...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩

用英语讲寓言小故事——The Emperor's New Clothes 皇帝的新装

从前,有一个皇帝,他非常爱漂亮的衣服,整天想着穿新衣服。 Once upon a time, there was an emperor who loved beautiful clothes very much and thought about wearing new cl...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——The Emperor's New Clothes 皇帝的新装

用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

从前,有一个可爱的小女孩,大家都叫她“小红帽”,因为她总是戴着外婆送给她的一顶红色小帽子。 Once upon a time, there was a lovely little girl. Everyone called...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲寓言小故事——Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

用英语讲成语寓言故事——Frog in the Well 井底之蛙

从前,有一只小青蛙,它住在一个深深的井里。 Once upon a time, there was a little frog who lived in a deep well. 井里的一小块天空是它每天看到的全部世界。 The small pa...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲成语寓言故事——Frog in the Well 井底之蛙

用英语讲中国故事——Waiting for the Rabbit by the Tree Stump 守株待兔

从前,有一个农夫在田地里辛勤劳作。 Once upon a time, there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields. 他是一个勤劳的人,每天辛勤劳作,田里的庄稼长得很好。 He is a ha...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲中国故事——Waiting for the Rabbit by the Tree Stump 守株待兔

用英语讲中国故事——Crossing the Sea under Camouflage 瞒天过海

“三十六计”中的第一计——瞒天过海计 The first of the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" - Crossing the sea under camouflage 本指光天化日之下不让天知道...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲中国故事——Crossing the Sea under Camouflage 瞒天过海

用英语讲中国故事——Besiege Wei to Save Zhao 围魏救赵

围魏救赵 Relieving the State of Zhao by Besieging the State of Wei “三十六计”中的第二计——围魏救赵计 The second of the Thirty-Six Strata...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲中国故事——Besiege Wei to Save Zhao 围魏救赵

用英语讲中国故事——God Rewards Those Who Work Hard 天道酬勤

天道酬勤 God Rewards Those Who Work Hard 意思是上天会酬报勤奋的人,付出的努力一定会有所回报。 It means that God will reward those who work hard, and your efforts...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲中国故事——God Rewards Those Who Work Hard 天道酬勤

用英语讲中国故事——Pulling Up Seedlings to Help Them Grow 揠苗助长

揠(yà)苗助长 Pulling Up Seedlings to Help Them Grow 意思是把禾苗拔起来,帮助其成长。也比喻违反事物的发展规律,急于求成,最后事与愿违。 It means to pull up the se...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲中国故事——Pulling Up Seedlings to Help Them Grow 揠苗助长

用英语讲中国故事——Great Virtue Can Carry All Things 厚德载物

厚德载物 Great virtue can carry all things(good and evil) 是出自《周易》中的名言,这句话蕴含了深厚的人生哲学和道德准则。 This is a famous saying from the "Zhouyi"...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲中国故事——Great Virtue Can Carry All Things 厚德载物

用英语讲中国故事——Killing Someone With a Borrowed Knife 三十六计之借刀杀人

借刀杀人 Killing Someone With a Borrowed Knife “三十六计”中的第三计——借刀杀人计 The third of the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" - Killing with...
August 11, 2024
用英语讲中国故事——Killing Someone With a Borrowed Knife 三十六计之借刀杀人